15-year old Jonah Burke has been visiting his father, Paul, throughout the pandemic from a distance to play the bagpipes outside of his hospital window at BIDMC.

Teenager plays bagpipes from outside dad's hospital window...

Keeping Us All Safe

BIDMC is prepared to welcome you...

Dan Barouch

Dan Barouch, MD, PhD (Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, BIDMC) discusses COVID-19 vaccine development.

The First Covid Vaccines May Not Prevent Covid Infection

Kevin Tabb, MD (President & CEO, BILH) discusses how COVID-19 has impacted the system and how hospitals are still ready to safely take care of patients.

Hospitals are trying to coax you back — and convince you that it’s safe — as the COVID-19 outbreak eases

Governor Charlie Baker and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar spoke about how health care systems are fairing during the coronavirus pandemic.

Governor Baker and HHS Secretary Azar speak at BIDMC

Federal government can put ‘foot on the accelerator...

In a study reported in the Annals of the American Thoracic Society, researchers led by Richard Schwartzstein, MD (Pulmonary, Critical Care and Sleep Medicine, BIDMC) examined medical literature regarding ventilation for acute respiratory distress syndrome and compared evidence-based practices with outdated or misguided practices still in use.

Relief for Air Hunger: Reducing severe breathlessness and psychological trauma in COVID-19 patients

Suzanne Salamon, MD (Geriatric Medicine, BIDMC) discusses how COVID-19 has removed many social supports for seniors and the importance of continuing regular connections as often as possible.

Brookline students use phone calls to ease loneliness

Kevin Tabb, MD (President & CEO, BILH) discusses how the system has adapted to operate in a COVID-19 world, as well as the rise of telemedicine.

Close, Sell, Consolidate? Tough Prognosis For Some Massachusetts Health Care Providers

Dan Barouch, MD, PhD (Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, BIDMC) discusses recent studies of laboratory monkeys that suggest antibodies produced during recovery from COVID-19 provide immunity from the virus, whether triggered by infection or vaccine.

Immunity to the coronavirus remains a mystery. Scientists are trying to crack the case