As Americans seek out coronavirus tests more than ever, urgent care is quickly becoming the go-to health care destination for a growing share of the population. Ateev Mehrotra, MD, MPH (Medicine, BIDMC) argues that if the medical system was to be redrawn, he’d want primary care doctors spending time on the sicker population.

In many places, urgent care is the only way to get a coronavirus test quickly.

Dan Barouch, MD, PhD (Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, BIDMC) discusses the possibility of more than one successful COVID-19 vaccine and notes why that is preferable in combatting the disease.

So When Exactly Will a COVID Vaccine Be Ready?

John Torous, MD (Digital Psychiatry, BIDMC) discusses how video consults offer an effective way to stay in close contact with mental-health professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic.

You may not want to go to the doctor. There are plenty of proactive steps you can take—without leaving the house.

Kevin Tabb, MD (CEO & President, BILH) discusses how the system has been preparing for a second surge and is confident going into the winter now that teams have had experience with COVID-19 and time to stock up on protective gear, medical equipment, test kits, and therapeutics.

‘We still face some pretty significant challenges,’ said one hospital system head. Chief among them: people’s behavior over the holidays.

Kathryn Stephenson, MD, MPH (Center for Virology & Vaccine Research, BIDMC) discusses COVID-19 vaccine distribution and the complications that hospitals may face with the need for ultra-cold freezers to store the vaccine.

No one is being chill about this.

Dan Barouch, MD, PhD (Center for Virology and Vaccine Research, BIDMC) discusses the recently released interim analysis of Pfizer’s vaccine, and why it increases optimism for other vaccines in trial.

The data are preliminary, however, and it is not yet clear whether the vaccine protects against severe disease

In this op-ed, Kenneth Wener, MD (Infectious Diseases, LHMC) and Mary LaSalvia, MD (Infectious Diseases, BIDMC) join infectious disease leaders across Boston in encouraging local residents to follow Governor Baker’s newly updated COVID-19 guidelines.

They balance the public health benefits of keeping the population safe — and in school — with the need to maintain a strong economy to support all the residents of our state.

A team of researchers, including John Torous, MD (Digital Psychiatry, BIDMC), used machine learning to analyze the text of more than 800,000 Reddit posts and identify changes in the tone and content of language that people used as the first wave of the pandemic progressed.

AI and Reddit are helping us track COVID-19's impact on mental health

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